Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Worked my magic...

So after thinking all day and being bummed about not knowing the gender of the baby for another MONTH, I had an epiphany....I remembered the lady at the Specialist said that the level 2 US needed to be done between 18-20 wks and she said their machinery is higher tech than regular OBs'. The specialist and the OB always ask me where I prefer to do each procedure. And since my OB won't schedule me until 20wks, I called and got the specialist to do the level 2 ultrasound at 18 weeks, so I just won't have an US at 20 wks now, just do the regular check up stuff. So YAY I don't have to wait antoher month! March 10th is the day, of course if the baby cooperates!

So people who have babies....what is this stuff I gotta drink at 20 weeks? And can I not eat before my apt that day? They didn't really go into detail with me.

I am 16 going on 17...

Weeks that is.....I was thinking that today, and remembered that song from The Sound of Music! What a great movie!

I went to the Dr. yesterday for my 16 week check up. I got to hear the heartbeat (was in the 140's) and the nurse made a comment that it might be a boy, she is a little loopy...she was talking about Brad Pitt and Angelina having babies out of wedlock, b/c she saw that I was looking at a People magazine. So I typically ignore her, and I also don't like people who judge others based on one aspect of their life. Ughh... not everyone believes in marriage and I think everyone should do what they want and what they believe. Brad and Angie have given some poverty stricken children a home, I think that is wonderful; who cares if they had babies and weren't married...mind your own business people!!!!! I think this nurse gets on my Dr.'s nerves as well.

Anyway...the Dr. answered all of my many questions...Can I lift my doggies (YES), can I drink protein shakes, b/c I don't cook breakfast with protein (YES), I am big on granola bars and pop tarts, is the itching all over normal (YES), is my wieght gain in normal range (YES), when do I have the RHOGAM shots (starting at 28 wks, b/c Cory's blood is O+ and mine is RH-), can I take Zantac long term for the TERRIBLE heartburn (YES).

Then they took some blood and that was it. She did tell me that I didn't need to see the specialist on Friday, that I needed to wait until my 20 wk check up to do the level 2 ultrasound. So I won't be finding out the gender until March 25th :(

I hope to post a belly pic soon since it has been a month, Cory has been out of town this week so I will do it when he gets home tomorrow. Prepare yourselves for major fatness!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Bedding ideas

I have been searching for Bedding again lately as we get closer to knowing what the sex of the baby is. I found some cute stuff!

This one is for a girl, and I love the originality of it, I have never seen a tree theme.

This one reminded me of Scarlett O'Hara's dress on the day of the Big BBQ, love it!
I like this one for a girl because it is not something I would get tires of easily, and it is not too much pink, I love the color of the wall as well.

Here is one for a boy, I love the pastel blue, I am not into the dark and royal blues.

I love the idea of a green theme, this one is very similar to the Scarlett one.

I also, love the idea of doing farm animals for a boy room. This one isn't reall farm (more like wild animals) but its cute and I like the colors.

Monday, February 23, 2009

On a more positive note....

I have been feeling the baby move, its really nice, makes me smile everytime. Feels like a little alien in there rolling around and punching. I got some Beethoven and other piano music for it to listen to b/c I read that the hearing is developing, the headphones won't stay on my belly just yet, so I just stuck them in the waistband of my pants :)


The heartburn has never been worse, I feel like my throat and chest are constantly on fire....I have had this problem since I found out I was pregnant, but the remedies just don't seem to work after a while. I started with tums...and they stopped working...then it doesn't work!!!!!!! It sucks b/c it is affecting my sleep. And I get so thirsty at night but have to refrain from drinking as much as I want b/c I know the outcome.

Monday, February 16, 2009

15 wks, 2 days and Fat

We went to our neighbors' house for a cookout which was really fun and we also met some other couples who have kids. One of the other couples was also pregnant. She is 20 weeks and you could barely tell she was pregnant! I felt like a huge blimp! Granted she said that she had awful morning sickness and lost 12 pounds, so I feel bad for her for that. But still I was a little depressed that I am as big as I am this early.

However it was so nice to talk to another pregnant woman who is going through the same thing...sometimes it gets a little lonely; people treat you differently when you are pregnant and it makes you feel like an outsider. And I KNOW Cory has to be tired of my complaining about my back, and being tired all the time, and never knowing what I want to eat.

I also need to start carrying around a notepad or black book like I did when I was planning the wedding; people seem to exlopde advice on you when you are pregnant and I just can't ever remember anything.

We hope to find out the sex next week on the 27th; we see the specialist again and they will do an ultrasound, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will be almost 17 weeks at that point and I read you can tell around 15w.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Nothing too interesting going on here, I went to a college sports store and bought some cute Auburn gear for the baby. I have been wanting to shop but I don't want a whole lot of green and yellow, gender neutral stuff, so I thought the Auburn stuff was perfect! Cory loved it! I have been feeling better these days as far a nausea, knock on wood! Now its just dealing with the heartburn everyday and my belly and legs itch A LOT. I am not so tired all the time either, Cory and I actually painted our kitchen on Saturday, its nice to be productive again. The dogs don't really know what to do when we are active around the house! They follow us everywhere thinking they are about to go somewhere, but they finally gave up and just sunbathed by the window while we painted.

This outfit looks HUGE, but its only 3-6 months, I guess we will see!