Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dr. Apt., 21 weeks and 3 days

I had another ultrasound today, they wanted to see the heart again. Everything looks good. That is the last time I will see the maternal/fetal specialists. No more $50 co-pays! :)

Baby stats:
  1. HB: 155
  2. Weight: 1lb, 1oz (normal)
  3. Very active as usual, the tech commented that she had rarely seen a baby this active; well he is his father's son. ;)
  4. Cute as a button! I will post the pics soon.

Next Dr. Apt is with a new practice who will deliver me at the hospital we want. That apt. will be at 24 wks on April 20th.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Carson's Room Begins....

We started on Carson's room Sunday night. We got the walls painted but need to paint the trim white, it is currently a cream on top of red or pink, does not look good!

BEFORE ..white walls:

AFTER: We took the valance to home depot and picked the lightest blue that matched the bedding

  • Find a bed and changing table for Carson (my sister may be passing hers down, if not Cory's mom has a barely used crib so we could just get a changing table to match)
  • Cory plans to build the shelving and a toy box
  • Get some wall hangings and decor
  • And of Course STOCK his room with the essentials!
QUESTION for the moms out there: A friend that gave me 12 AVENT bottles, I threw away the nipples, but how do I know that the bottles are safe? What is the deal w/ the plastic particles, etc...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Luck....

Now that I have figured out the best time to take my Zantac so I won't experience bad heartburn, a couple of new symptoms have appeared:

1. Leg cramps at night - miserable....I ate a banana the other night before bed and that helped, and also drinking more water. But I am so afraid to move my legs too much during the night now.

2. Ligament pains - Now I have had some minor shooting pains every now and then, but I noticed something to the left of the uterus that was bothering me. Everytime I strain to lift my legs or get out of bed, etc...it feels like I have pulled a muscle, but the Dr. said its normal round ligament pains.

I wonder what is next.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I accidentally posted a baby update on my other blog, I have a lot going through my head and wasn't paying attention! For baby udpate, go to http://andtheycallitpuppylove.blogspot.com/

Thursday, March 19, 2009

We have a name!

We finally decided on a name for our baby boy:
Carson is a name we both like and Anthony is Cory's middle name. Carson will also have the same initials as his Daddy :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend of Shopping and Registering

My mom and sister came this past weekend to go shopping and registering with us. We registered at Target and Babies R Us, and found our bedding at Babies R Us as well. Here are a few pics:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pictures I promised

This is me at 18 weeks and 3 days.

Here is the "money shot" you can see the wee wee between his legs.

And here is his profile shot, took us forever to get this one b/c he moved around so much.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Its a BOY!

Cory of course is beside himself! And I am so happy to know!

Here are the details, and I will try to get the Ultrasound pics and a belly pic up soon!

The US Tech did a Level 2 ultrasound. They looked at all of the organs, it was really neat to see the brain. Heartrate was in the 140's again which is normal. It was also really neat seeing the spine. He is a very active baby. He kept trying to get his little hand in his mouth, and we saw his mouth opening and closing. And when he flipped over, I asked her "Was that his backside?" and she said yes, and she went back to that angle and we saw the wee wee. And she told me to guess the sex and I guessed a boy, poor Cory couldn't tell the 1st time we saw it, but I explained to him that I have seen MANY ultrasound pics online and on blogs, so I knew what it was when I saw it. But all of the organs, etc.. looked good and they want to see me again in 3 wks to get some better pics of the heart, they said its just hard to see all 4 chambers at 18 wks, no big deal.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Since the weather is suppose to warm up soon, and I had some time to kill at lunch today, I thought I would swing by a maternity store near where I work, Izzy Maternity to be specific. Now, I have heard that maternity clothes are expensive and boy did I stumble upon the mother ship of YUPPY. I could not believe my eyes! (Now to each his own) But I have NO desire to pay $148.00 for maternity jeans that I will only be able to wear for a few months when I can get some cute ones at Kohl's for under $30.00. Why would people care about name brand crap when they are pregnant, just not on my priority list, ya know....

Anyway, the person working was also a little insulting. He (this man was clearly a Queen) came over and asked me how far along I was. And I clearly was not open to talking to him about my pregnancy, I just said "I have a while" and again he asked how long I had to go. I said I am only about 18 weeks, and with pure shock on his face he said "OH..." and I said "I know, its big", referring to my belly. And he knew he had reacted a little too much, and he tried to compliment me after that, but I was just so turned off by this store it didn't matter. So after I looked through the shirts that were near $100.00, I decided to leave. I thanked him of course b/c I am polite and have worked retail before so I understand him hounding me to attempt to make a sale. But I honestly wanted to ask "how are you still in business in this economy!" But I didn't know if it was his store or not. And I use to hate it when people would complain to me about prices in the Buckle (where I worked), and I had nothing to do with it!!!!!!!!

So...to Target I went :)