Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Update

I had told everyone that this Dr. apt today would be uneventful...and I couldn't be more wrong. The nurse asked me if I wanted to be checked for signs of labor and I was curious so I said ok. Thank goodness I did, b/c the Dr. discovered that Carson has turned and is a "footling breech". So he mentioned that he could try to manually turn the baby which only has a 30% success rate given how far along I am, that there is not very much amniotic fluid left, and that I have never had children before. So he wants to do a C-section on Sunday, the 2nd. So I get to meet Carson then! I was a little upset and overwhelmed this morning, but am fine with it now. Its just not how I pictured it. I have appointed my sister-in-law, Becca to post pictures on her blog when she comes to visit me in the hospital, so next week keep an eye out for Carson's arrival update and pics on www.asouthernboyandacitygirl.blogspot.com.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Family Baby Shower

This weekend was fun, a few ladies in my family threw me a baby shower, and it was also a bit of a family reunion (I don't get to see my family very often). My immediate family stayed the weekend and we cooked out as well, so needless to say I am exhausted. But it was so nice to see everyone.

I have one more week of work before I begin my leave of abscence. It is getting so hard to just make it through the day...on Friday I worked from home for the 2nd half of the day b/c I just couldn't make myself stay there all day.

Next Dr. apt is on Tuesday, will probably be a quick one since I have had no issues this week and I won't ask him to check me just yet for signs of labor.

Here are some pics from the shower, the ladies did sucha great job, the food was amazing and the decorations were so cute. Carson got a lot of clothes at this shower, so I think we are all set now.

Me with the hostesses: (L to R) Aunt Kay, my cousin Melissa, sister Caroline and SIL Ginger.

We had 2 cakes at this shower, somehow Melissa and Caroline got confused on who was in charge of the cake.....but we all didn't mind!



Example of the cute decor:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dr. Apt; and some DIY Maternity Shots

Dr. Apt was good, Carson's heart rate was 140's as usual, everything else is fine. I asked the Dr. to estimate the baby's weight....and wow, he said he thinks Carson is almost 8 lbs! So I am very interested to see what he turns out to be.

On another note, I had my camera in my purse, so on a whim, I asked my friend Kelly to take some pictures of me outside of my work building. We have a really nice nature trail and picnic area..so we gave it a try. Thanks Kelly, I think we got some good ones!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

36 weeks and 3 days, Dr. Apt, and baby products

Went to the Dr. today, met another Dr. in the practice who was very nice, I really liked him as well. Everything is looking good, Carson is still head down and unlikely to turn. The Dr. said I was "In the window" now so he explained what to do when I went into labor. I will be going every week now. This practice doesn't really do internal checks of dilation, effacement, etc...Since they don't induce labor until 42 weeks unless medically needed, there is no need for them to check me unless there are any concerns. They actually said that those manual checks are quite painful before week 38. After that they said they would check if I wanted them to (they said some women want to know, we'll see if I get curious)
I am really hoping that Carson isn't 2 weeks late; I have decided to take the 1st week of August as vacation then begin my maternity leave the next week. I am so tired of working, and when I come home, I am simply good for nothing. It is so hard just to cook dinner, and I can't remember the last time I did the dishes. I still do laundry b/c Cory despises laundry and at least I can sit down to fold clothes.

Ok Candace....I am not a mom yet, and I have little experience with babies (it has actually been 8 years since I have changed a diaper!), but here are a few things that I would recommend.
Oh, I agree w/ Becca about the dreft detergent and the formula dispenser. I have actually been washing our clothes with dreft since the baby will be in contact with our clothes as well, and plus it does smell really good.

I think Candace recommended these bottles a while back, I have not heard anything negative about them yet. I have other friends who use them and I saw many in the refrigerators at daycares I visited. If Carson doesn't like these then I will try Avent.

In the baby care class we went to, they showed us how to swaddle. The nurse there said that the best blankets are these larger flannel ones. I ordered some today, they go up to 24 months. This particular brand is carters and they are buy one get one 1/2 off on babies r us.com. I was also given a miracle blanket so I will be trying that as well.

In this class they also gave us a DVD of soothing techniques for babies, Cory and I have already watched it and I must say that there are things in there I never would have thought to do. The DVD is called the Happiest Baby on the Block. http://www.thehappiestbaby.com/

And now that I do have experience being pregnant here are a few things I recommend for moms to be.
  1. Gaucho pants: for me have been great, I use them as lounging/pj pants and lately now that I am so big I have been wearing them to work since they look a little dressier than denim.
  2. Pre-natals: I recommend women's one-a-day prenatal. Every Dr. and midwife I have seen said that over the counter pre-natals are fine. And these days they recommend that you have a prenatal that also has DHA. Well the one I was prescribed was about $60 per month, so I asked the pharmacist and did some pricing and this one is the best for me. Its only about $15 for a month, and it has everything I need.
  3. And lastly I suggest each pregnant couple take a vacation in the 2nd trimester. I didn't b/c I thought I would need my paid time off for being sick during pregnancy or exhaustion. Now I have a lot of vacation time and am SO burnt out at work.