Wednesday, January 28, 2009

12 week OB Apt.

Everything went well at the Dr. Apt. yesterday, she said everything looked good. They asked me a bunch of questions like did I want an epidural, was I going to breastfeed, who was my pediatrician (I have no idea yet - so they gave us some info on that), and then some family history stuff. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for a little bit on the doppler. She said it was in the 140's, so I am starting to not believe the predictions of the baby's sex based on heartrate. Other than that not much to tell. My next apt. is in 4 weeks at the 16 week mark.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Ok so this is taking a major act of bravery for me to post a belly pic. Since I was no skinny minny before pregnancy, I am not sure if you are seeing a gut or a baby bump. I am in week 13 so its possible that its part baby. :) I want to see how my belly grows so here goes!

Also, below are some ultrasound photos that I haven't had a chance to scan yet, so I am sorry for the low quality, I just wanted to show off my little one so bad.

11 weeks and 2 days
11 weeks and 2 days

9 weeks and 5 days
9 weeks and 5 days
12 weeks and 2 days

Thursday, January 22, 2009

More good news

The Fetal Specialist people called me this morning and told me that my bloodwork came back "reassuring". I took that as a good thing obviously. What she means is that they compared the ultrasound I had on Monday to my blood work and there are currently no reasons to think there are any chromosome problems. I go back to them in 6 weeks to do the same thing again to be sure.

For those of you who have had babies and remember details; what happens at the 12 week check up? I tried to look online but am having no luck, I don't want to bother my OB office. But I was just wondering what to expect and if Cory should come. If its just bloodwork and urine tests etc....(an no ultrasound) then there is no reason to have him miss work. Any info is helpful, thanks!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Everything is ok!

Hi Everyone,

First of all thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers the past couple of weeks. I appreciate it more than you know. As you can imagine this was a tough morning for me.

We went to see a Fetal specialist to run some tests to detect any chromosome abnormalities. At our 1st apt., my OB felt that the NT (nuchal translucency) on the back of the baby's head was bigger than normal. Today, at the beginning of the specialist apt., they talked to us about diagnostic testing such as amnio and CVS if needed, but I didn't want to make any decision to have those tests until I saw the ultrasound. They did the ultrasound and during that they took many many measurements of the NT. The tech said that everything was measuring normal. Thank GOD!!!! I was so relieved. The Dr. then came in and double checked and again said everything was measuring normal. So he wants to see me again in 6 weeks to do anther US and they took some blood today and will use a formula from that and the measurements of the NT to determine the risk factor of the baby having a chromosome disorder. We should hear something within 2 weeks maybe sooner. But for now the US was normal. Heart rate was also normal - in the 160s.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Specialist apt is Monday, January 19th. Please pray that it goes well. I am not really sure what to expect; they are very vague with me on what is going to occur at this visit.

I got some exercise this weekend; Cory and I went to the outlets in search of some flat shoes for me. It took a long time, but I did find some. All I ever buy is heels b/c I am so short, so this was interesting, Cory found out just how picky I was when it comes to my shoes.

I am getting my hair cut short today after work. I can't wait. I am so sick of having long hair b/c I don't have the energy to do anything with it. I just wear it wet and up to work and I am tired of looking like a hobo. So I am giving in to the mom hair cut.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thank You

I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to post such kind comments throughout the day to make me feel better, I really appreciate it. Please pray that my baby is ok and that the stress of this doesn't cause any additional problems; and that I can focus and remain calm at work so I don't lose my job on top of all of this! I just hope the next 2 weeks can fly by, not knowing is really hard. Thanks again for the support.


Unfortunately I don't have the best news to report. We went to the Dr. Today for our 1st ultrasound and everything seemed fine, heartrate was 170's and the baby was twitching, very cute. I think its a girl. Toward the end of the US, the technician shared a concern she had. There was an area behind the baby's head that she called "very prominent." She said that that area being that way indicates a chromosome abnormality (i.e. down syndrome). So then I saw my Dr. and she said we just need to not jump to conclusions, but we need to see a specialist at the 11week mark to run more tests and get more information. Then she told me my bloodpressure was too high and we needed to check it again - at this point I lost it. She said she was sorry that she didn't have better news for us. They did take my blood pressure again and it was back to normal, I think I was really stressed about getting to the apt. b/c traffic and parking were a nightmare at this location. So I told Cory that for the next 7 months DO NOT argue with me about anything b/c obviously I stress over minor things.

Sorry if I don't call some people but it is really hard to talk without crying.